Retrace your steps?


You've reached the end!

Sadly, this does have an end, but I'd keep it going forever if I could. I hope this was satisfactory for you! I had a lot of fun making it, and I hope you had just as much looking through it. I love giving you endless gifts and I hope to give you many more in the near future. >:)

I actually don't think I've taken the time to specifically say it anywhere in this little site, so I will now,


And I MEAN that. You better not ever doubt it. You are my favourite person ever, I love every little thing about you and I am 100% sure I loved your reaction to this too. Hopefully if you do ever come back to look at this again, it would be just as fun as it was the first time.

But... listen. It's small, but I have another page just for you... it's a mystery one. You'll find out when you click on it...